Author and moderator

The issues that I want to address involve the misdirections and misconceptions which are confusing people regarding human-caused global climate change. At least some of these misdirections have been deliberately spread by certain vested interests so that they can continue "business as usual." Look at the titles of the ten blogs in the right column to see the particular misconceptions and misdirections to be explored.

I am a mainly a physicist, and conducted research for 20 years at the University of Washington. I also have a master's degree in Clinical Psychology, with over a decade of experience as a family therapist and teacher. Most recently, I have been teaching physics at the high school level, with a focus on how physics can be used to understand aspects of global climate change. Overall, I have many years experience investigating complex, non-linear systems, both theoretically and experimentally, and in explaining the results of my research to non-specialists.

I do want to stress that I am not a conspiracy theorist. Any comments will be edited so that irrational references to the Trilateral Commission and Chad and Jeremy's involvement in JFKs murder will be filtered out. As will the idea that Israeli secret agents caused 9/11. Or that the moon landings were faked. Real, verifiable conspiracies, of course, WILL be discussed. And all other comments, even skeptical, hostile or contentious ones, are welcomed and WILL be published.

In many cases, I have never seen arguments published in the mainstream press that adequately addressed the issues to be discussed. That is what this blog is about. I want to present some ideas and ask for feedback from other people who are into finding out the real facts about important issues. Or who can point to where the real answers are published. I also really would like postings of other people -- skeptics especially -- who have concerns or questions to be addressed in addition to my limited number.

Your comments, input and questions are invited.

David Mills, Ph.D., M.A.
Pacific Beach, California


  1. Thank you for your down-to-earth writing. Your site is a valuable resource for people looking for relatively easy-to-grasp ways of understanding a very difficult topic.

    I will be (happily) refering a few skeptical friends to your site....

  2. Wonderful, and thank you! Please invite your friends to put any objections or questions in the comment space following the relevant post.

  3. Great blog! Getting this information out there is so important. Keep up the good work.

  4. could you comment specifically on Crutzen's endorsement of the various sulpher dioxide seeding proposals.
    They seek to balance the release of stored planetary energy with reduction of solar gain energy. Do they figure in the reduction in the arctic albedo effect due to increased particulate pollution?
